Below are some areas of service in the congregation. If you are not currently involved or would like to increase your involvement, we invite you to choose from these areas of service. For more information, please contact us by telephone at (914) 668-3334 or by e-mail at umc1mv@gmail.com.
ACOLYTE MINISTRY: Acolytes are children and adolescents who perform simple tasks in the weekly worship service. Contact person: Sis. Kim Wilson-Owens
BOARD OF TRUSTEES: The Board of Trustees consists of three to nine members, and it is recommended that at least one third be laywomen and that at least one third be laymen. Subject to the direction of the church conference, the Board of Trustees is entrusted with the supervision , oversight, and care of all property owned by the local church and of all property and equipment acquired directly by the local church or by any society, board, class, commission, committee or similar organization connected with it. (2012 Book of Discipline, par#2525-2533)
BUILDING MINISTRIES: Participants in this area will be invited to work with the members of the Board of Trustees in caring for the church's properties by performing such tasks as minor repairs, gardening, and cleaning at certain times of the year.
CHURCH COUNCIL: The Church Council is responsible for carrying out the directives of the annual Church Conference (usually held in the fall). As the executive agency of the Church Conference it has a general oversight of the administration and program of the local church. The council is expected, therefore, to initiate planning, establish objectives, adopt goals, authorize action, determine policy, receive reports, evaluate the church’s ministries, and review the mission and ministry of the church. (2012 Book of Discipline, par. #252)
CHOIR & MUSIC MINISTRY: The choir leads the singing during the weekly worship service and on special occasions. As we seek to build our choir and music ministry, we are looking for others to be involved. Contact person: Bro. Guy Loving
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: At First Church, we view Christian Education as a life long endeavor essential to spiritual growth. We offer church school and bible classes for everyone. On Wednesday evening, there is mid-week bible study at 7:00 PM. where those who meet study, read the bible and worship. During the year there are workshops and studies that meet the needs of the congregants. Come join us and enrich your life. Everyone is welcome. There is something for everyone.
The Education Committee designs and recommends to the Church Council an organization of the education program of the church in keeping with the standards and policies developed by the General Board of Discipleship and keeps the Church Council aware of sound education procedures. The committee nominates superintendents (as needed), teachers, counselors, and officers of the church school.
The committee is expected to ensure that persons of all ages are provided with opportunities to study the Bible and the Christian faith and life, and to facilitate the use of resources which are based on curriculum plans which have been approved by the General Board of Discipleship. It also encourages the certification of education assistants as directors or ministers of Christian education or as associates in Christian education. (2012 Book of Discipline, par#1108-1109)
CHURCH AND SOCIETY: The work area on Church and Society is responsible for keeping the Church Council aware of the need for study and action in the area of social issues and education, service, witness and action. In keeping with standards and guidance materials supplied by the General Board of Church and Society and the Annual Conference Board of Church and Society, the committee recommends to the Church Council action projects in the field of social concerns. The committee also cooperates with other commissions in surveying the needs of the local community and in making program recommendations for responding to local, community, state, national, and international needs to which the Church ministers by its service, education, witness, and action.
CHURCH RECORDS AND HISTORY: The Committee on Records and History is entrusted with the task of preserving the history of the church. It is expected, among other things, to keep the historical records up to date, to provide an annual report on the care of the church records and historical materials to the church conference, and to provide, with the pastor, for the preservation of all local church records and historical materials no longer in current use. (2012 Book of Discipline, par#247.5)
COMMUNICATION MINISTRY: This ministry is developing and involves a number of areas including working as a member of our Audio/Video Operations Team during worship once per month and collaborating with others to revive our newsletter, The Herald.
EDUCATION MINISTRY: This service area includes teaching or substituting in children's or youth Sunday School: participating in Wednesday evening Bible Study/Prayer Group; or starting a small group with a particular focus.
EVANGELISM AND MEMBERSHIP: The Evangelism Committee works with the pastor, or the Church Council to make evangelism an ongoing priority ministry of the congregation to win people to a profession or a renewal of faith in Jesus Christ. The committee recommends activities and structures to respond to the evangelistic mission of the local church in keeping with the standards and guidance material supplied by the General Board of Discipleship and the Annual Conference Board of Discipleship. The concerns of the evangelism committee include the people who are not members in any local church, the church’s own inactive members, and the care of all its members. (2012 Book of Discipline, par#1112)
FINANCE: The Committee on Finance is responsible for managing the financial affairs of the church. Its task includes soliciting, allocating, managing and dispersing funds for the ministry of the congregation. The committee is expected to complete the annual budget for submission to the Church Council and Church Conference. It is also responsible for developing and implementing plans to raise sufficient income to meet budget, and to administer funds received according to instructions from the Church Council and Church Conference. (2012 Book of Discipline, par. #258.4)
FOOD MINISTRIES: This service area includes providing help for church luncheons or coffee hours, such as setting up tables, making tea or coffee, serving meals, cleaning up: as well as cleaning the kitchen on a regular basis.
MEN'S MINISTRY - THE UNITED METHODIST MEN (UMM): This ministry involves participation in the life and mission of the United Methodist Men (UMM), which meets every 4th Sunday of each month, following the worship service. The UMM has recently started a weekly basketball activity for fathers and sons or mentors and mentees each Saturday at 10:30 AM.
MISSIONS: This service area includes volunteering to work with our Food Pantry which provides assistance for our neighbors every other week, and providing support for our outreach to children of mothers incarcerated at two New York State women's correctional facilities in Westchester County.
MUSIC MINISTRY: This service area includes participation in the choir on a regular basis or for special services, and ministry with a children's choir.
OFFICE MINISTRIES: This service area involves working collaboratively with our part-time secretary, helping with light office work, making copies, stuffing envelopes, filing, and answering the phone or making phone calls.
STAFF/PASTOR PARISH RELATIONSHIPS: The Committee on Staff/Pastor – Parish Relations (S/PPRC) is composed of five to nine persons. In addition to those persons it also includes a lay member of annual conference and the lay leader, if the latter is not already an elected member of the committee. The committee is responsible for the terms and conditions of the employment of paid staff. Its role includes conferring and counseling with the pastor and staff in making an effective ministry and keeping the pastor and staff advised concerning conditions within the congregation as they affect relations between the pastor or staff and the people. The committee also has the responsibility of recommending persons for candidacy to the ordained ministry and of performing an advisory role to the District Superintendent and Bishop in the event that a pastoral change becomes necessary. (2012 Book of Discipline, par#258.2)
STEWARDSHIP: The Stewardship Committee interprets and encourages stewardship consistent with the historic standard of the United Methodist Church. The committee encourages both individual and corporate stewardship, informing the congregation that tithing is the minimum goal of giving in the United Methodist Church. Using as a basis Scripture, Tradition, and Reason, and Experience, stewardship shall have five components: (1) the use of God given talents, (2) personal financial management and life commitments, (3) personal giving through the church, (4) local church management of resources, and (5) the Christian Steward’s responsibility in God’s world. The committee works with others on the church council to formulate plans and recommend resources to encourage growth in each of these areas. (2012 Book of Discipline, par#630.5)
USHER MINISTRY: Ushers perform various tasks during the weekly worship service and on special occasions to make the experience a pleasant one for all. To volunteer as an usher, please contact: Sis. Terry Kean
WELCOMING MINISTRIES: This service area includes greeting and welcoming worship guests as they arrive at church, serving as an usher, making telephone invitations to recent worship guests. and making follow up contact with worship guests.
WOMEN'S MINISTRY - THE UNITED METHODIST WOMEN (UMW): The United Methodist Women's unit is part of the denominations's community of women whose purpose is to know God, to grow in their spiritual life and to be involved in mission locally and internationally. The groups meets on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 10:30 AM. For further information, contact the president: Sis. Jean Streete
WORSHIP: In worship we encounter God as the assembly of those washed and reborn by water and the Spirit, formed by the Word, fed at the Lord’s Table, and sent into the world in ministry in Christ’s name.
Worship Committee Responsibilities:
- Insures that worship leaders have the tools they need to help worshipers in our congregation offer their gifts in worship as fully and expressively as they can.
- Focuses on long and short-range planning for worship; helps to develop the congregation as an active, vital worshiping community.
- Helps in developing resources in support of our congregation’s worship ministries.
- Recognizes, encourages and nurtures artists and musicians in our congregation. Helps in providing training opportunities for lay worship leadership, including liturgists, communion stewards, acolytes, and ushers.
- Insures that adequate resources for arts and music are a priority. Helps in our congregation’s fundraising goals through the annual "Songs of Hope" music concert series.
- Worship Committee meetings are generally scheduled for 7:00 PM on the second Tuesday of every other month beginning in January. Special meetings may be called.
- The Worship Committee is responsible for helping all within the congregation to understand the meaning, purpose, and practice of worship.
- The committee cooperates with the pastor and or/ persons responsible for worship in planning for worship using The United Methodist Book of Worship, and other racially ethnic supplemental worship material with other resources, including those provided by the General Board of Discipleship, Section on Worship.
- The Committee encourages and affirms the recognition and support of musicians in the local congregation, and discovers and develops persons to serve as church musicians
- Provided that a committee or work area in spiritual formation does not exist, the committee is expected to promote and foster regular individual and family spiritual formation using the resources of the General Board of Discipleship, especially The Upper Room. (2012 Book of Discipline, par#630.4)
YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY - THE UNITED METHODIST YOUNG ADULTS : The United Methodist Young Adult group is one of our newest ministries. It is a gathering for young adults from eighteen (18) to thirty (30). The group invites your participation and ideas as it plans its schedule.
YOUTH MINISTRY - THE UNITED METHODIST YOUTH FELLOWSHIP (UMYF): This ministry involves participation in the life of the United Methodist Your Fellowship (UMYF), which meets on Fridays at 6:00 PM. It is open to all youth in the church and from the community. Adults are needed to provide leadership and youths are needed to participate and to invite other youths. The group has three emphases: Spiritual Growth, Social Interaction and Service. For more information contact: Sis. Elizabeth Abel, Sis. Jenne Griffith, Sis. Mel Ganpat
The Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development is composed of not more than nine persons in addition to the pastor and the lay leader. It is responsible for nominating to the annual church conference all the officers, chairpersons, coordinators and committee members that the law of the church requires or that the conference may determine are necessary for the work of the church.
The committee also serves throughout the year to guide the Church Council on matters regarding the leadership (other than employed staff) of the congregation and to recruit, support and recognize spiritual leaders and to provide for their training. (2012 Book of Discipline, par#258.1)
The Youth Council coordinates all aspects of ministry among youth in the congregation. Its membership includes representative of the various youth groups or organizations. It recommends to the Church Council activities, program emphases, and settings for youth. (2012 Book of Discipline, #256.3c)
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Most of the information presented above was obtained from the 1992, 1996, 2000, 2008, and 2012 editions of The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church.